Pleasantview, The Goth Family, Part 4

Later on, Mortimer and Bella took an afternoon to visit Cassandra, who is expecting her second child with Darren Dreamer.

They also got to spend some time with their granddaughter, Aisling.

Alexander knows his family and his genius mean his place is at the exclusive military school, but sometimes he wishes he could just be a little more normal and go to the neighborhood school, where all the teens in the neighborhood go.

Finally, later that night, Alexander’s moment arrives. After having a meal alone at the bistro, he sees HER. There she is, across the patio, looking beautiful.

“Hey! Angela! It’s me, Alexander Goth?”

“Oh hey, Alex. I can call you Alex, right?”

“Uh, yeah totally. Alex, yeah! Hey, do you like science?”

“Uhm, yeah. Science is pretty cool. My boyfriend, David, loves it and shows me all sorts of experiments. I mean, it’s cool when he isn’t trying to make stink bombs and blow up things. That get’s a little boring.”

Whew, close one, Alexander. “Do you like science?” isn’t exactly an amazing pickup line.

“That’s awesome. I’m really good at stuff, too. I have even been able to figure out how to make potions to, like, get rid of pimples and make you look older so you can get into clubs and stuff.”

Stop lying, Alexander. You made a potion that causes people to pee.

“So would you be interested in coming over this weekend maybe and seeing some of what I can do? I’ll even let you try a sample! All the girls at school would be, like, so jealous, right?”

“I’m not sure. I’m super busy with David most weekends. I’ll let you know?”

“Yeah, that’s cool. Just let me know whenever.”

Hey, Alexander, it isn’t a no.

“Nina, how are you? How is the house? Do you need me to fix anything? I heard Herb Oldie was a terrible landlord and wasn’t getting his tenants houses fixed in a decent amount of time”

“Oh, yeah Mortimer. It’s fine. You’re a great landlord. Are you okay?”

“Yes, my dear, I am fine. Hey, remember how we used to meet up at the old Windfall Motel….?”

“Yes, I remember getting stood up there a few times. Goodbye Mortimer. I’ll let you know if I need anything.”

Alexander has made it on the honor roll!

Mortimer spent time in his lab at the science building today, but whatever breakthroughs he made are lost deep inside his insane head.

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