Pleasantview, The Goth Family, Part 3

It’s time for the Goths again. Mortimer is working out at the gym and has active romances with his wife, Bella, and the Caliente sisters. He and Herb Oldie never get along anymore though, and I have some suspicions about why.

Bella is attending a protest, and is romantically involved with Mortimer, and sometimes Don Lothario still. She has a betrayed moodlet right now, but I don’t know from what. It isn’t from Mortimer, at least.

Alex has just recently grown into a teen, and his LTW is to reach the top of the Medical career.

Uh, Cassandra (who is not in the active household), wyd? Why are you in your underpants?

Dorian is still a toddler, obviously, and does toddlery things like poop himself.

Alexander’s trait are shy, excitable, genius, and now diva, but he spends most of his time alone reading, and he attends a private military academy. This means that his opportunities to socialize with his peers are few, and even for a shy guy, he craves friendship. His latest wish is to become friends with Angela Pleasant. A hard task considering she is one of the most beloved teen ladies in the neighborhood, and has a steady boyfriend with whom she spends most of her time.

Time comes for every sim, and as Bella nears elder status, her age is really beginning to show. I don’t know if she still has the energy for her flings with Daniel Pleasant and Don Lothario while she still has her family life, which includes a toddler. (I had forgotten to turn on a mod that slowly grays and ages adult and elder sims)

Something has been gnawing on Mortimer a lot lately as he grows older. The Goth name used to mean something, but in recent generations, that importance had waned. The Pleasants had taken over and founded this town, and Mary Sue Oldie had married into that family.

Herb Oldie, unassuming and kooky as he seemed, proved to be a formidable opponent in the real estate market, and has purchased most of the lots near the stadium. Mortimer has never focused enough on it, and had ever seemed to get the hang of making money grow.

Bella had been quite the catch in their younger days, but she proved to be an expensive hobby.

It bothered Mortimer, and kept him awake at night. Surely there was something he could do that would bring respect back to the Goth name, or maybe even just humble the Oldies.

During the day, however, Mortimer had a hard time keeping his mind on it, though.

Wait, what were we talking about again?

“Alexander! The family honor! We’ve lost it, and we need to get it back!”

“Uh, okay father. I mean I’d like to. I want to become a surgeon!”

“No… that’s not enough! Something bigger, grander! Something that’ll make people say, ‘Who are the Oldies, anyway?!'”

Alexander was used to Mortimer’s outbursts. They were happening more and more frequently. Mortimer had been a mad scientist for some time now, and as the name said, it required madness. Up to now, that madness had been confined to ogling the pretty women of the neighborhood, but lately it was getting worse. “But,” Alexander considered, as he thought about it more, “maybe he’s on to something.” Alexander had had a crush on Angela, and she wouldn’t give him the time of day. She was always so busy with that Ottomas guy – and who were the Ottomases anyway, other than hyperfertile?

Alexander got an idea, and quickly set to work.

Meanwhile, Mortimer said some nasty things about Herb Oldie on the internet.

As she’s aged, Bella’s pursuits have calmed down a little, but she seemed oblivious to the tension the men of the house seem to share.

Alexander had an unexpected school day off during the week because of a fall holiday, and so he used that time to continue his experiments. He knew he was on the verge of something big and impressive. His small goal was simply to show Angela he was worth paying attention to, but what if he could show her something even better?

Success! Now he just needed to show Angela!

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